I'm reflecting on love this Valentines Day (while casting off its current heteronormative, capitalistic and anthropocentric overtones) and envisioning how we can radically reclaim the day as a festival of loving Earth?! 

As Sophie Strand puts it “A real holiday devoted to love doesn’t inspire you to buy more objects. It inspires you to throw them down and run to the hills to commune with a lover that is bigger than a human being, bigger than a single self.”

Let's make today a celebration of the miraculous systems of life and existence that we are constantly in flow with. Celebrating eros as the life force flowing through and between us all. Gratefully inhabiting our bodies and connecting with the nature around and within us ... 

Whether we are able to take ourselves out into wild nature somewhere, or simply dance at home in our living room contemplating the sky above us with its swirling clouds and stars. Breathing with the trees, whether they are near or far. Honouring traditions that have always seen life and love this way.

No matter what our relationship status, across numerous identities of gender and (human) sexuality, this glorious biosphere is both our lover and our Self.

Every day we are alive, the Earth is writing us a love letter, sending us Valentines cards and showering us with gifts ... Let's get ourselves resonating with, energised by, receptive to, THAT love?!

Love Letters of the Earth 

This Valentines Day, write a love letter to the Earth and sign it with your name. 

 Or even better, write yourself a love letter from the Earth. 

“Dear one, this is your lover Earth speaking. I just want to tell you ……”